Make Every Day a Delight
Assisted Living at St. Mark Village
St. Mark Village offers Assisted Living for their Life Care residents in a comfortable and home-like setting. Life is good when worries are few. As a resident at St. Mark Village, you not only are free from daily chores, you have the added boost of knowing a helping hand is there 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. Our nurses and Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) provide gentle help with daily living activities such as bathing, dressing, and medication management.
Benefits of Assisted Living
At Assisted Living at St. Mark Village, each individual receives personalized attention that reflects their level of needs and their preferences. Residents enjoy a variety of well-prepared menus, three meals daily, engaging activities, and a family-like environment which fosters friendships with neighbors and team members alike.
Apartment Amenities
3 restaurant style meals a day in our elegant dining room
Spacious living room, cozy family room with screened porch, library, and beauty shop
Extensive transportation schedule
Laundry services
Health Support Services
Licensed nursing professionals on site 24/7
Medication support & administration
Assistance with bathing, dressing, mobility, and more
Medical Director and Dietitian
Personalized Life Enrichment Program

3 restaurant style meals a day in our elegant dining room
Spacious living room, cozy family room with screened porch, library, and beauty shop
Extensive transportation schedule
Twice-weekly housekeeping
Laundry services
Health Support Services
Licensed nursing professionals on site 24/7
Medication support & administration
Assistance with bathing, dressing, mobility, and more
Medical Director and Dietitian
Personalized Life Enrichment Program