You’ve heard how great senior living can be. And as a solo ager, you have always been good at filling your days with what interests you. But now that you’re considering making the move, you might be wondering: what will I do all day?
The easy answer is anything you like! Simply because once you become a resident of senior living, you no longer have to take care of a home and all the obligations that go with it. That means a great deal more free time—and in a senior living community with the energy and ambiance of St. Mark Village, you’ll find countless new ways of filling it.
Let’s look at what a sample day could be like if you, a solo ager, were a resident of St. Mark Village senior living community.
A day in the life of a solo ager in senior living
Wake up to all kind of possibilities
What a pleasure: to awaken knowing you are truly in control of your day. You don’t have to dust, plan a meal, or even change a lightbulb. It will all be done for you. Instead, you can check the monthly activities calendar and see what’s on tap for the day.
Chair volleyball? Maybe a dip in the pool and a session in the spa? Or perhaps start with a delicious breakfast in the Village Café and Bakery, where you can catch up on the latest news. It’s so nice to be greeted by friendly faces every morning!
Afterwards, you might enjoy a walk around the grounds, a game of cards or dominos, or you could drop by the library and see if your favorite author has a new book available. Don’t forget you wanted to meet your daughter for some shopping nearby. It’s so nice to have all the attractions and amenities of Palm Harbor so close.
With so much to choose from, it’s wonderful to know you can always retreat to your comfortable residence for a bit of relaxation. Catch up on your mail and maybe call a long-time friend. Or even take a cat nap before lunch with your new best friends. After all, the day is yours!
Download our free guide: Senior Living Options – A Guide for Understanding Which Level of Care is the Best Fit.
What do solo agers do in the afternoon?
At St. Mark Village, there’s one thing all solo agers agree upon: they never feel lonely. That’s because there’s always a friend close by eager to share the day.
It could be some fierce competition in Wii bowling or canasta. Or joining the group for an outing to a nearby park (there are so many beautiful spots in Palm Harbor to visit). Helping organize a community food drive or other volunteering opportunity. Giggling together in a line dancing class.
It’s also nice to know that when you need some quiet meditation time, you have many lovely spots to choose from, including our chapel. However you spend your day, you have the benefit of a warm and welcoming atmosphere that is focused on your wellness and longevity.
Enjoy every evening in senior living
As always, it’s up to you. You can curl up on your couch and watch the latest episode of your favorite show. But think what you might be missing: an evening concert just down the hall. A group outing to a local dinner theatre. A movie and popcorn with friends. Happy hour with your neighbor.
And for sure, exceptional dining is waiting for you. Maybe a light meal in the Back Door Bistro. Or treat yourself and guests to a five-course dinner in the beautiful dining room. After all, you’ve worked up an appetite! And at St. Mark Village, the cuisine is always freshly prepared and delicious. Special requests are no problem.
The life of a solo ager in senior living can be fantastic! Especially when you can take advantage of so many wonderful amenities, services, and opportunities for socializing.
Even better, the right senior living community offers you a plan for the future. At St. Mark Village, that includes seamless access to future care options, something both you and your family can appreciate.
If you’re ready to live the good life and retire without worry, we’d love to tell you more about St. Mark Village!
We invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Download our free guide: Senior Living Options – A Guide for Understanding Which Level of Care is the Best Fit. Or contact us. We’d love to hear from you.