Wellness Matters at St. Mark Village
Wellness Matters at St. Mark Village is a senior wellness program that focuses on the whole person. We call our wellness program the 7 Dimensions of Wellness.
Our wellness professionals work with residents to create and implement customized wellness plans to achieve their wellness goals.
Our fitness studio features modern exercise equipment and spaces designed to accommodate a variety of resident wellness programs. The fitness studio offers scheduled classes including yoga, stretching, and cardio, and hosts special events including wellness classes and health fairs.

7 Dimensions of Wellness
The physical dimension of wellness focuses on enhancing the ability of the individual to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows them to get through daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress. Physical wellness activities include building physical strength, flexibility, and endurance. Safety precautions are taken to protect the individual from injuries and harm.
The social dimension of wellness focuses on encouraging the individual to discover the power to make willful choices to enhance personal relationships and important friendships, and to build a better living space and community.
The intellectual dimension of wellness encourages creative, stimulating mental activities. A well individual expands his or her knowledge and skills while discovering the potential for sharing one’s gifts with others. The mind should be continually exercised just as the body.
The vocational dimension of wellness focuses on enabling all members of the community - residents AND staff - to contribute their unique gifts, skills, and talents that are both personally meaningful and rewarding in order to gain purpose, happiness, and enrichment in life.
The environmental dimension of wellness focuses on maintaining a way of life that maximizes harmony with the earth and minimizes harm to the environment - individually and as a community.
The emotional dimension of wellness focuses on fostering healthy and positive optimism, self-esteem, self-acceptance, intimacy, independence, and interdependence in the individual. It includes the capacity to manage feelings and related behaviors including the realistic assessment of limitations, development of autonomy, and ability to cope effectively with stress.
The spiritual dimension of wellness promotes the ability to establish peace and harmony in our lives. It encompasses a high level of faith, hope, and commitment to the individual’s beliefs that provide a sense of meaning and purpose in human existence.